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In practice of modern metallurgical manufacture one of the perspective directions of improving the quality of metal rolling and the quality of the consumer properties, which are not demanding significant raw and power expenses, is the microalloying of steels.
As a microalloying it is accepted to understand an introduction of separate elements or their bridgings which residual contents does not exceed 0, 1% rendering significant influence on processes that are proceeding in metal and determining its phase makeup, the size of structural components, a structure and cleanliness of borders and frontier zones and, as a consequence, improvement of service properties of metal.

Alloying elements are capable to react with oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, arsenic and other impurity and to form the corresponding bridgings, allowing to neutralize their negative operations, that in the end result affects the improvement of service properties of metal.

An application of chemically active elements (V, Nb, B, Ti, Zr, Al, N, etc.) in a lumpy kind for out of oven microalloyings is ineffective. Recently the great spread has received a way of addition elements' introduction in metal as a powder wire with the corresponding weighing material.

Advantages of introduction alloying with the help of powder wire in comparison with the traditional ways of an alloy building:

  • Higher level of assimilation of elements;
  • An opportunity to obtain steels with strictly regulated contents of active elements;
  • Reproducibility of results;
  • An opportunity of a serial continuous casting teeming of various brands' steel;
  • Reception of stable mechanical properties;
  • High technological and economic efficiency of process.

Dipping the contents of oxygen in metal or its linkage in strong bridgings is called deoxidizing effect.
Desulphuration of steel means a decrease of the sulfur's contents in it. Operation of desulfurization in modern metallurgy, as a rule, leads on expulsion and after expulsion of metal from the oven in the unit «furnace — ladle pot» by input a calcium powder wire or an additive firm clinker formation mixes.
In practice of modern metallurgical manufacture one of the perspective directions of improving the quality of metal rolling and the quality of the consumer properties, which are not demanding significant raw and power expenses, is the microalloying of steels.
A significant practical experience of out-oven treatments have been saved up in iron manufacture; effective methods and device for a sulphur removal (desulphuration) and modifyings of fluidic pig-iron have been offered and realized in practice.